Calling all female entrepreneurs

Are you ready to make the impact you desire by attracting your dream clients on Instagram™?

Let’s turn those followers into raving fans and customers by using proven strategies that feel good.

Get my latest free resources on

How to create a magnetic Instagram presence and sell the heck out of your offers online!

Use your Instagram™ Stories as a client attraction machine

Convert followers Into clients in this 5-Day Instagram™ Reels Challenge

Use Instagram™ to add your first 1000 email subscribers to your list. 

When you wake up to dms from dream clients wanting to work with you…

With real humans ready to invest in your offers because your confidence in them shines through.

Actually seeing results from your social media posts instead of hearing crickets.

Attracting the right people to you with simple, proven strategies showing why working with you is a no brainer.

Knowing exactly what to charge because you've done the legwork and know your worth.

With a business that works FOR you instead of you having to work constantly for your business.

Sounds amazing, right?

Hi! I’m Paula,

Business coach and Instagram strategist with over 10 years of marketing experience and 3 years of helping female entrepreneurs get dream clients on Instagram™.

I successfully built my coaching business on the side, while being a busy mom to four teenagers.

I know where you’re at… you feel like you need to be online all day long to get any traction in your business.

And you think that this means you’ll have less time to spend with your family, and be the amazing mom that you are.

I’m here to show you that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Say Hi!

With the right strategies, tailor-made for YOUR business, you can get inside the head of your dream clients and serve them in a way that’s aligned with your style and their needs.

Ready to build your dream business online? 

Grab a cuppa (or your drink of choice) and check out how you can work with me.

Week by week I started feeling much clearer and confident with getting myself out there and I’m even doing Reels and videos now which I never thought I would before!

The weekly guidance and workbooks were amazing but my favourite part of the program was having the incredible support from Paula, who is an absolute genius at what she does.


Paula makes it really easy to learn how to use Reels, and the coaching she gives you is top-notch!

Paula is a master in her field, and is always serving to the best of her ability.

If you are questioning, whether or not, you should work with Paula, question, no more, she’s worth it!


I’ve grown and developed so much since we started working together. Not only have I been empowered to use Instagram more effectively, I have also acquired new business and more engagement with my Instagram audience.

Thank you so much, you’ve given me the tools, your wealth of knowledge, And the support to take my business to new levels.


Get your playbook on how to make your Instagram™ Stories a client attraction machine

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